This is a backup of the original information located at [[]] ([[|archived website]]) ===== INFORMATION ===== CoCa is an open source, mainly MS Windows appplication, designed to create ICC color profiles for digital capture devices, like scanners and cameras. It utilises Argyll open source color library, which is included in CoCa installation package. CoCa supports a variety of calibration targets, including: * Xrite ColorChecker Classic (24 patches) - [[|]] * Xrite ColorChecker Digital SG (140 patches) - [[|]] * Xrite ColorChecker Passport - [[|]] * Christophe Métairie's Checker - [[|]] * Christophe Métairie's Digital TargeT 003 - [[|]] * Christophe Métairie's Digital Target-3 - [[|]] * Christophe Métairie's Digital Target-4 - [[|]] * HutchColor HCT - [[|]] * LaserSoft DCPro - [[|]] * IT8.7 - available from many vendors. Inexpensive targets are available from [[|]] or [[|]] * QPcard 201 - [[|]] * QPcard 202 - [[|]] * SpyderCHECKR - [[|]] * SpyderCHECKR 24 - [[|]] {{|Download version}}