Welcome to the Scanning Guide
Welcome to the Scanning Guide! These techniques and information have been acquired after spending hours upon hours scanning thousands of items and learning various lessons over time. These instructions are mainly meant for video game material scanning but could likely be applied to other things as well.
First things first we need to make clear that this guide not perfect and likely never will be perfect. It will be updated as new techniques and information comes available and we will continually improve it. There will never be a “perfect” method for scanning things as there's so many scenarios and options out there that a one size fits all approach is just never going to happen.That being said if you follow the guidelines and directions in it you will produce high quality archival scans.
We hope you'll find this a helpful resource, and if you're ever wanting to ask questions or find more information feel free to join the Discord channels dedicated to scanning such as Gaming Alexandria or VGPC. Thank you!